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Leaving the Fold, Deconversion, Biblical Studies Carnival, Poisonous Plants Weblinks

Biblical Studies Carnival. A “carnival” in the blogging world refers to a “best of” collection of links to recent entries at different blogs. I recommend the Biblical Studies Carnival since the entries are from the blogs of biblical studies professors (“bibliobloggers”), and cover an informative and intriguing range of topics.


I create “wish lists” in order to keep track of interesting book titles and bundle them by category. The following two lists feature books written by (or about) those who question Christian religious beliefs:

See also this piece from a creationist website:

Losing faith: how secular scholarship affects scholars

And this new book:

When Faith Meets Reason: Religion Scholars Reflect on Their Spiritual Journeys

And this:

People who left Christianity as a direct result of their studies

John Loftus recently brought up the subject of poisonous plants. Below are related items:

Why We Believe in a Designer

The most provocative things ever said about the way God “designed” the cosmos

Godʼs Cool Designs [video]

Neil deGrasse Tyson - Stupid Design [video]

Jesus and Mo, “World” [cartoon]

The Evil God Challenge (part 1)

The Evil God Challenge (part 2)

Bart Ehrman: How the Problem of Pain Ruined My Faith

Godless Comedy from Mitchell and Web

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