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Christian Comedians Should Leave Satire and Sarcasm to the Experts

Christian Comedians

Fascinating Fact: Perhaps the most famous wit in Catholicism, G. K. Chesterton (whose book The Everlasting Man even had a lot to do with the decision by C. S. Lewis to convert) was friends with leading non-Christian writers and thinkers of his day including George Bernard Shaw and H. G. Wells even though Chesterton debated them both. Chesterton even wrote a loving letter to his atheist and anti-Catholic friend, H.G. Wells, saying that he would get into heaven not by being one of Chesterton's friends but for all the good he and his works did for humanity. Chesterton's letter where he wrote that to Wells can be by read here.Chesterton even wrote a novel about a Christian and atheist who wanted to duel to the death but later grew to be close friends (The Ball and the Cross).

But leaving aside Chesterton (who was at least a borderline universalist), there do not appear to be many Evangelical Christian humorists or satirists up to say the level of even a Dave Barry, let alone many who could keep up with Voltaire, Twain, Mencken, or the stand up routines of Sam Kinison, Bill Hicks, Eddie Izzard [his concert titled, Glorious], Rowan Atkinson, George Carlin, or movies by Kevin Smith (Dogma) and Monty Python (The Life of Brian & The Meaning of Life).

I would add that the opposite of fanaticism is not a rival fanatical spirit but simply acknowledging doubts in general and allowing bygones to be bygones, i.e., allowing people to start over, and attempt to get to know each other again.

For such reasons I tend to doubt that beliefs determine ones eternal destiny. Because even interpreting other peopleʼs ideas when communicating with them, people that you know, who live in the same time and era as yourself is fraught with difficulty, let alone “biblical exegesis,” and trying to make “doctrines and dogmas” sound like nothing but pure rationality to other folks.

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